This year’s AGM was again held at Les Unelles with 27 members attending. Apologies for absence were read out and Tom O’Malley and Chris Wigzell were re-elected.
The committee has had a busy year organising a variety of events aimed to tempt members, whatever their interests! To this end, we carried out a members’ survey to seek your views and the results were presented at the meeting.
The summer saw several walks with lunches kindly arranged by Caroline. These were very much enjoyed by those who came so we will organise more again this summer.
The Chinese and Chocolate event was well attended: perhaps due to the irresistible combination! July’s Hog Roast was again a big success, despite the weather being less kind to us than the previous year. We also had an educational foray into Villedieu-les-Poeles to learn more about how bells and copper are worked to create the beautiful & useful objects that emerge.
Christmas began at the 16ème Ouest restaurant with a lovely lunch and some silly games to start the festive fun.
During these times our chosen charities were not forgotten. The Hog Roast raffle, a treasure map and our stall at the Quettreville Christmas fair all raised money and, thanks to people’s generosity, €400 will be split between the two organisations.
In February this year, we held a race afternoon at Les Unelles. Great fun was had by all, even if some of us lost the virtual shirts off our backs!!
The Newsletter has been very well received by all since David Farr took over. Unfortunately, he no longer has the time to commit to this so we said a big thank you to him and reassured him that he is leaving it in safe hands.
Last month’s Curry Lunch was a resounding success with a good variety of dishes to try as well as a selection of delicious desserts. Members then voted for this year’s charity – Cancer Support France received the majority of votes so will be our supported charity again this year.
The meeting finished by thanking members of the committee for their hard work and ideas: keep them coming!!
If anyone is interested in joining us in helping the association to continue to develop and thrive, please contact me or any committee member.
The meeting was then followed by tea and some very tasty cakes.
Stevie Miller